Author: Halfling13

  • 3d Printer Troubleshooting – Bed Adhesion

    A topic long ignored is my ongoing 3d printing, mainly around the filament printer. In my case, my current model is a Prusa i3MK3s, honestly a very solid work horse of a machine. It has been very reliable system, except for the occasional user errors with re-adjusting calibration and filament temperatures. However, over time, the…

  • Miniatures give-away

    Gave away the first set of miniatures from our Carrion Crown campaign during the game this weekend, to the current players of the storyline. Since there was only two comments, the giveaway was simple – I gave them the option of how or if to split the figures. They opted to amicably split the pieces,…

  • Legion success

    Last week, as a filler, we ended up running a Star Wars: Legion game, which I ended up recording and then posting to YouTube. This apparently has been much more successful than our otherwise regular long-format RPG storylines. Which is fine, and not unexpected given recent trends. As such, I am looking to expand this…

  • Star Wars: Legion

    With our RPG gaming schedule disrupted this week, we ended up with no Extinction Curse and no Enemy Within progress. Still wanting a game, my son and I ended up doing a game of Legion instead, both trying out armies that we were not familiar with. In my case, I had a desire to play…

  • B1 Battle Droid

    Taking on a new big project and attempting to print and build a life-size B1 Battle Droid. This is from a design by Droid Division, and at least from the pictures, it should be rather impressive. Supposedly the final product stands 78 inches tall, so might be a bit imposing as well. Certainly, the full-size…

  • Schedule Ramblings

    Due to ongoing scheduling challenges, we have had to move around our calendar. The Extinction Curse game this last Sunday was cancelled, and the Warhammer game this week is similarly postponed. Extinction Curse will be on July 17 next, and Warhammer will hopefully resume next week on July 13. Currently, we only have the Carrion…

  • The Dare, the second group

    Saturday is scheduled our second session of The Dare scenario for Call of Cthulhu, with a fresh group of victims/players. I am repeating the exact same scenario and am very curious how the new group will react or adjust to the situation – the main difference is the team are all teenagers, instead of a…

  • The Enemy Within

    Last night we managed to wrap up chapter 1 of the Enemy Within campaign, with our Warhammer Fantasy campaign. The session ended up a bit short, but thats more of the nature of the mid-week games that we are doing, rather than the content. The group managed to get themselves frames for a large number…