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Author: Halfling13
Streaming content
At this point, I am comfortable with our streaming schedule and the content itself – we have successfully streamed several sessions, including 2 of our Extinction Curse and 1 of our Carrion Crown campaigns. Certainly there are still technical challenges to be had, but the content itself is solid. These are published directly to YouTube,…
Replacement sound stands
In my effort to address the audio issues of the last game, I am working on printing a set of low-profile microphone stands. Part of the issue is the need for more microphones – more mics, better sound in general. However, a mic cannot just lay on the table, and the existing tripods I have…
Carrion Crown, session 1
After a long wait and much preparation, we finally kicked off our new campaign for Pathfinder, to tell the tale of the Carrion Crown. This is something that I have posted about numerous times, and it was the resumption of “normal” gaming in our Covid filled world. As planned, we had our full group of…
Final push
We are in the final week, in preparation for the upcoming Carrion Crown campaign. So far, the group has been very responsive on the various requirements and requests – everyone agrees that we need to run the story much more efficiently and their character development is a gain. I keep being impressed by the diversity…
Revised schedule
With the start of the school year, and associated Football and Marching Band commitments, we are altering our existing gaming schedule. The Warhammer RPG campaign is the unfortunate casualty, this campaign was going strong, but is being mothballed for the time being due to no room in the schedule. After November, when the schedule settles,…
Final Tech Test stream
Scheduled a final technology test, utilizing our Extinction Curse campaign, for this coming Sunday, 2 PM to 7 PM EST. This is an unlisted YouTube live stream, not looking for a larger audience, but I am eager to hear about any feedback both pro and con with the configuration. My bigger concern is really at…
Aznak, in color
One of the requirements of our upcoming campaign is for all characters to be represented by an accurate figure, which has been painted. For several of our players, that is a stretch, and not what they are comfortable with. However, art supplies and options being what they are, even inexperienced persons can paint remarkably well.…
Digital Game Table
Part of my gaming room configuration has been the design, building, and deployment of a digital table and table space for the group. For this reason, we purchased an oversized table (approximately 10 foot), to fit our overly large group. Eventually, this will be covered by an overlay, providing space for the players books, papers,…