Author: Halfling13

  • 3d Printer Profiles

    3d Printer Profiles

    I want to call out and thank YouTuber MM’s PropShop for their recent assistance with my 3d printers. If you have any interest in Star Wars, droids, or 3d printing, they are an inspirational source, frequently posting videos on the creation of numerous life size models, with professional level painting. If you haven’t subscribed to…

  • Mothership

    As mentioned yesterday, I obtained the Mothership RPG following Gencon (ordered directly from Tuesday Knight Games, since I could not obtain it at the convention). I only have the PDFs for now, the physical books will be a week or two, but from what I am reading thus far, I am really impressed. I had…

  • Gencon 2024 results

    It was a successful trip to Gencon this last weekend, both kids and I had a lot of fun, though ended up rather tired. Two days later, and my muscles are still feeling all the hiking. The show itself was sold out, so it was good that we pre-purchased tickets (and had them shipped, the…

  • Gencon 2024

    I have mentioned it in one arena or another, this weekend is the big Gencon 2024 convention, in Indianapolis, Indiana. I will be attending with both kids on Sunday, trying to do the marathon run thru the vendor hall for whatever is new, trendy, or inspiring. In particular, I am on the lookout for a…

  • Legion Battle Report 090

    Legion Battle Report 090

    Perhaps it is the release day, or perhaps it is the new content (Bad Batch and the new ruleset), but our latest battle report is doing very well on the analytics. We have smashed thru our prior records of views, comments, and new subscribers for the first 24 hours. I believe we have also already…

  • The Song of Larry Leggs

    The Song of Larry Leggs

    In our ongoing Warhammer FRP campaign, we have a mythical Bogtopus known as Larry Leggs (called that by the locals), which exists in the Schadensumpf swamp west of Middenheim. This creature has existed for a very long time, preying on creatures and beasts of the swamp, and occasionally roaming out for other sources of food.…

  • Star Wars Legion Dashboard

    Star Wars Legion Dashboard

    The big news yesterday was the release of the new ruleset for Star Wars Legion, and with it a fairly significant change in the mechanics and process. In particular, it invalidated our current game tracking dashboard, due to the new cards. Not to fear though, it inspired me to dive in and make it new…

  • Kingmaker – into the Stolen Lands

    Kingmaker – into the Stolen Lands

    A surprisingly strong view count of our most recent Kingmaker session, with the start of the Wilds showing very strong viewership as of this morning. Perhaps the algorithm finally hit the mark, but I suspect it is mainly the “Kingmaker” name and association with Pathfinder. Regardless, welcome to all the new visitors, and my appreciation…