Author: Halfling13

  • Gaming space

    With our new house, I had grand plans for our new gaming space, as a place to both play my various games and entertain our rather large groups. Part of this is an enhanced and digital table, to streamline maps and terrain for RPGs. I have the giant table, and opted this week to do…

  • Wildlife

    Early this summer, we opted to finally move and started the process to build a new home. Late in November, this was completed, and we started the process to move in. Now mid-January, and I would say we are fairly solidly entrenched in the new location. All boxes have been moved in (many still requiring…

  • Pathfinder 2e Updates

    Since I haven’t posted in a while (since last year), my updates on our current Pathfinder 2e campaigns has been lacking. As a reminder, we have two active campaigns, both bi-weekly. The first is the Age of Ashes storyline, the second is the Extinction Curse storyline, and both have been running for quite some time.…

  • Warhammer FRP

    As of this coming Friday, we are launching a new RPG session, starting a campaign set in the Warhammer FRP 4e setting and rule set. I have been a fan of this game since the first edition, and have played most of the strategy and computer games, but there hasn’t been a group interested and…

  • 2021

    Its been nearly two months since I last posted any updates, and many things have changed in the world. A new president was elected, covid continues to rage and grow, we moved into a new home, and I was promoted at work. With the start of the new year and the conclusion of our move,…

  • Medical Testing

    About this time last year, I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic, an event that rather significantly has now adjusted my life. Initially, the direction from the doctor was some medication, and an effort to reduce and eliminate sugared foods. For the first 6 months or so, this worked well – my blood sugar levels dropped, though…

  • Professional Work

    I tend to not post much about my professional work, mainly because it has little to do with my hobby efforts. Jokingly, until my YouTube career truly takes off, and my hobby and work align in harmony (which realistically may never happen), the two are mutually exclusive. However, recent events have caused an increased load…

  • Virtual Tabletop

    As I have posted, we have been attempting to continue our ongoing gaming efforts remotely, so that we don’t have to cancel the campaigns. For this effort, we have been using Fantasy Grounds, which as a product has worked very well. The software is stable, and the features continue to be enhanced (we are using…