Author: Halfling13

  • Starfinder

    With the current double-campaign for Pathfinder, my plate is pretty full on GM’ing storylines. However, I still have a desire to play, and have an upcoming option with a recent acquaintance and a planned Starfinder campaign. I have never played Starfinder before, but I am always up for learning. So far from my basic research,…

  • Squadron organizer

    First draft of the design for a squadron organizer for X-Wing, validating the sizing and wall structure. I am happy with these measurements, though the small holes at the top (intended for magnets) are a little too small. The rest seems to be good on the first attempt. My next stage is to work out…

  • Campaign Tiles

    I located a new Kickstarter campaign this week, which for my use and play style has quite a bit of potential. Designed for either tabletop or RPG gaming with hex-maps in mind, the design is a large collection of terrain pieces to represent various terrain features. After printing the sample model (pictured at 150% scaling),…

  • X-Wing squadrons

    Taking a break from thinking about Pathfinder and Covid recently, to do a bit of design work. I have been looking for ways to re-organize and improve my storage for X-Wing pieces and parts, and been browsing the various sites for 3d printing options. For tokens, I am working on a design that collects them…

  • Alignment

    One issue I have had off and on in different campaigns has been and continues to be Alignment – a rare difficult concept for many players, and a frequent area of friction in a story. Although different games have attempted to define it more or less carefully, the traditional values of Lawful Good, Chaotic Neutral,…

  • RPG sessions

    Yesterday was our latest RPG session, continuing our use of Fantasy Grounds for a virtual tabletop. Of note, this was the second session after switching back to Fantasy Grounds Classic on Friday (following several performance issues with Unity). Fortunately, the software was much more stable, and at least from my view, more responsive. Unfortunately, the…

  • Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 4

    Episode 4 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. This particular session…

  • Podcast formats

    For the last few years, my focus on publishing gaming sessions has been on YouTube content, slowly trying to build an audience (or at least learn how to edit and create content). Near the beginning on this journey, I dabbled a bit in podcast formats, specifically audio only versions of the game sessions. These tends…