Author: Halfling13

  • Video editing

    Working hard to complete the last session’s video editing, now that (hopefully) work is starting to quiet down. Stayed up late last night to complete the first pass, working on the second pass today for graphics and audio, then rending tonight. Some quick art work for the thumbnails, and should be able to start publishing…

  • Buried

    Times have been rather crazy the last few weeks, between a world-wide pandemic, kids at home 24/7, and a new contract negotiation at work. Fortunately, I have still managed to squeeze some gaming in, but my website content has been suffering. More of an impact is my video editing – it is rather time consuming…

  • Movie marathon – Aliens

    Trying to stay entertained, and expanding my movie night theme into a marathon this weekend with the Aliens franchise. Also, switching away from Discord streaming and into an unlisted YouTube stream instead. I don’t believe many people both have Discord and really use it to watch a stream (at least from my minimal experience), and…

  • Chapter 2, Episode 3 – Covid

    With our latest session of Age of Ashes, we adjusted to our Covid-19 process – meaning we suspended the face to face session, in favor of an online format using Fantasy Grounds Unity and Discord. Despite the large group of 10 players, the tools worked rather well – we were successful in holding a regular…

  • Movie Night

    With the excitement of Covid, I am working to provide a small distraction, and decided to start streaming movies thru Discord each night. The Discord instance is open for anyone who cares to join in, though I make no claims about the age-appropriateness of any movies. Each day, I will post the planned movie for…

  • Miniature Monday – Legion X-Wing

    Expanding my Star Wars: Legion terrain with several models in progress. First completed is a scale model of an X-Wing, complete with movable wings, landing gear, and a removable R2 druid. Ideally, yes, I would paint the model, but realistically it is not a high priority. The model is available on Thingiverse, and scaled specifically…

  • Age of Ashes, Live stream

    No idea if it will work, be stable, or even worthwhile – but with our conversion to social-distancing gaming, I am going to attempt to live stream out Age of Ashes campaign. This of course will be the raw session – likely rather technically challenging, and slow moving. This will be the first time we…

  • Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 2

    Episode 2 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are…