Author: Halfling13

  • Birthday

    A happy birthday to my youngest, who achieves another year today. Although I am traveling yet again, hopefully he had some fun with his friends at school. Next week we are set to celebrate a bit better as a family, and perhaps even give him some presents. Ben has been gaming with us now in…

  • Dragon Totem

    As part of the Cult of Cinders chapter for the Age of Ashes, one of the goals of the group is to destroy or disable a series of Dragon Idols constructed by the Charu-ka and Boggards. This towers are magical, and have caused the Ekujae Elves to go blind whenever they approach (along with a…

  • Extinction Curse

    A very solid start to our second major campaign, Extinction Curse. Though one player was missing, they will be joining us for the next game. In the meantime, the new group became acquainted with each other, and the business of running a circus. I had my concerns over the dryness of the circus itself, but…

  • Extinction Curse

    This Sunday sees the start of our new Extinction Curse campaign, for our second RPG group. Previously, the group has been learning the game with the Fall of Plaguestone adventure – it is now time for them to dive into a full long-term campaign. Thus far, I am only aware of a couple of the…

  • Change in venue

    For our ongoing gaming activities, we will be doing a bit of a location shift over the next couple of weeks, moving the location where we gather for the Age of Ashes campaign. Currently, we meet bi-weekly at a local church where my kids are also active in Scouting. For the most part, this has…

  • Clorehaven Tavern

    Working on my next large terrain project, and decided to tackle the Clorehaven Tavern build. This is similar to the Watch Tower and Barn projects, though from the size much larger in print volume. Most likely, I will need to break each floor into several pieces, since the MK3 simply can’t print that large. Similar…

  • Pathbuilder 2e

    A shout-out to a particularly good Android app for Pathfinder 2e character creation, management, and printing – the Pathbuilder 2e app. With our numerous games, and a number of changes to get adjusted to, this tool has turned out to be invaluable. It does unfortunately only run on Android (no Windows, Mac, or iOS versions),…

  • Miniature Monday – Clorehaven Barn

    Doubt I will be able to maintain it, but going to try to prepare and display terrain and miniatures on a regular schedule, tentatively on Mondays. In concept, these will include a timelapse of the printing process, along with at least a final painting of the figure, terrain piece, or assembly. Again, I expect I…