Author: Halfling13

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 12

    Episode 12 of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you gain early access, otherwise as usual the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. If you are not a supporter, but find some entertainment in my content, please…

  • Octolapse corrections

    With the new 3d printer, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to generate routine print timelapses, using Octolapse. I managed to create one or two, but the large majority were suffering from mysterious layer shift issues. Although the print would complete, depending on the model it frequently was unusable – and the timelapse was certainly ugly.…

  • The Two Towers

    The Watchtower model is completed, and primed, and now ready for final painting. The assembly worked out very well, and it ties in nicely with the prior build of the individual pieces. So much so, that after priming, it is actually difficult to tell which one is which. Next up, I am working on a…

  • Episode 12 title slide

    Continuing my diorama style thumbnails for the Age of Ashes episodes, highlight some of the terrain and painted figures. Planning on adding a few of the group’s painting efforts, once I can hold on to them post game, but for now it is rather basic. This does however give me the opportunity to continue my…

  • Armada

    Managed to enjoy a game of Star Wars: Armada this weekend, introducing a couple of new players to the game. The fleets were fairly basic – I intentionally limited the number of upgrade cards to make it easier to absorb. However, this lead to quite a few ships on the field, since less upgrades certainly…

  • Expanding Shopping List

    In a bit of good news/bad news, Fantasy Flight just posted a full list of their new January releases. This brings some long awaited expansions for several games I collect and play, but also brings a newly lengthened wish list for the same. Star Wars: Legion I am neutral on for these new pieces –…

  • Watch Tower, Level 2

    Having arrived home again, I compiled and digitally assembled the second floor of the Watch Tower project. As before, a bit of re-scaling to make the assembly easier, resizing down by about 1.5%. The new model is estimated at 21 hours and 52 minutes by the software, so it will likely be a 24 hour+…

  • Watch Tower floor 1

    I am out of town yet again for work, so my access is limited, but I am able to report that the big print job of the first floor of the watch tower was successful – no layer shifts or other issues. The total print job was estimated at 18 hours and 21 minutes, it…