Author: Halfling13

  • X-Wing reinforcements

    With the holidays, I managed to expand my X-Wing collection by a little bit. Admittedly there are a lot more ships currently available, but I am trying to limit myself to only old-school settings – I have limited interest in either the Prequel or Sequel forces. Specifically, I am only collecting Empire, Rebellion, and Scum…

  • Watch Tower Assembly

    Over the holidays, thanks to the new printer, I managed to finally finish printing the various individual pieces for the Watch Tower project. The last big piece was the roof tile – all one single piece and a rather long print. With my old printer, I just didn’t trust it enough to risk that length…

  • Norm, the goblin rogue

    New printer, new projects. The first such major effort is a re-attempt at printing custom miniatures for our gaming group’s Pathfinder stories (and potentially others). With the old printer, this was not a practical option – the resolution was simply not there, and it was far too unreliable. With a Prusa i3 MK3s however, it…

  • Resuming the molding

    Over the holidays, I managed to acquire some more silicon mold making material, so my plans to craft chocolate dice are back on the schedule. Using my prior setup, I mixed and pouring the components, and managed to successfully remove the mold itself. Once I got started, I did notice that I was overly generous…

  • Happy Holidays

    Taking a week or two off of work (hopefully), and likely will be a bit more spotty for updates over the next week or two, due to the holidays. Whatever festivals you celebrate, enjoy the holiday season and time with the family. Stay safe, and best wishes.

  • Selling the 3d printer

    As part of the holidays this year, I am upgrading my 3d printer to a new Prusa I3 MK3S, which is expected to arrive some time today. I opted for the kit version, which will give me a project to work on while I am off of work for a bit. However, this leaves my…

  • New video format

    Going to try out a different format for our video sessions for the gaming – the level of engagement on each one is almost non-existent. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything else – it is a long dry session of watching other people play a game. But after some prompting, it was suggested that one issue…

  • Holiday Shopping

    Trying a new strategy this year, since the kids are old enough to start taking responsibility for presents. For each of them, I gave them a task of making a list of presents they wanted to find for other people – parents, relatives, each other, etc. For both, I gave them a basic price range,…