Author: Halfling13

  • Magic results

    Congratulations to my son George, who managed to score a 3rd victory in our annual Magic: The Gathering tournament. Competition this year was much more challenging – the final placing came down to a close match between three players. There were some surprises too – several of our veteran players were knocked out early to…

  • Latest session

    Another successful game session in the Age of Ashes campaign, and happily the efficiency of the game has notably improved. Prior games, we seemed to manage only a single combat or two, with a full five hour game. This time, we managed three separate combats, with only about half of the game time (due to…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes, Episode 7

    Due to various issues, it has been a bit since I was able to successfully publish a video, but here is the latest now available. In this episode, the group returns to the lower levels of the Citadel, and encounters some unexpected resistance while clearing out the goblin homes. As always, if you enjoy the…

  • Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate. Spending time with family and friends today, so not giving much thought to gaming and hobbies, at least until the turkey is complete.

  • Video processing

    It was painful, due to several processing problems, but the latest session of the Age of Ashes campaign is finally finished and now waiting for Friday. I am still not sure, but there was or is some error in the files, that caused a freeze whenever I was rendering, and an unusually long render time.…

  • Its Magic

    While I continue to struggle with trying to render and publish the latest Age of Ashes session, its time for me to get working on the trophy for our upcoming Magic: The Gathering tournament. This Saturday, from 2 PM to 5 PM, we will be hosting our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Tournament, though the date this…

  • Ongoing Premier issues

    Some improvements, leading to new challenges. After my prior issues, I was able to fully edit down the video content from the latest Age of Ashes campaign. Unfortunately, now my challenge is at the rendering stage – for some reason Premiere is choking on the output finalizing of the video. Ultimately, the software functions –…

  • Premiere Pro Challenges

    Lesson learned – when adapting to a new audio system and settings, make sure that your video file settings are consistent with the audio. For the last several days, I have been attempting to edit the latest gaming session – something that up until recently was not really that bad. However, this time after the…