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Author: Halfling13
Fall of Plaguestone
Had a successful kickoff of our second campaign group, with the start of pre-generated characters in The Fall of Plaguestone stand-alone adventure from Paizo. The group is utilizing 7 of the 12 iconic characters, which works well and were well received by all involved. This is really intended as a “learn the system” type adventure…
Cold weather has arrived
Here in Ohio, the cold weather has arrived with a vengeance. We have had a few days already where it was cold, but today seems particularly frigid, though most likely its just me not adapting quickly. Nice day to sit inside and watch the world through a window.
Rainbow of colors
Over the last couple of years, I have slowly collected a number of different 3d printing filaments, primarily in PLA. For the most part, those have been stored in various boxes, but that makes it difficult to remember what I have, and to (more importantly) actually use it. With the recent office remodel, I opted…
The Watch Tower
As my next big project, I am working thru a set of 3d printed terrain. The terrain set is produced by Printable Scenery, as is part of their Clorehaven collection. Specifically, I am tackling the Watch Tower to start with, though I intend to craft the majority of the buildings from the set eventually –…
The second campaign
With the return of a high-school friend to the area (with his family), we are giving thought to starting up a second Pathfinder 2e campaign. This would end up falling on the alternate Sundays of our already established game, and involve almost all new players. Starting plan is a crash course on Second edition using…
Episode 7 delayed
Unfortunately, we had another disruption to the gaming schedule, and our regularly scheduled game yesterday was forced to be cancelled. Real-life interfered with a death in the extended family and various other personal reasons – the end result was only 3 of our regular players being available. We will be hopefully resuming our normal schedule…
Episode 6 – Summary
Since we lost the video content, here is a basic summary of the last game session, so that you are up to date: We started by finishing off the existing combat with the Emperor Birds, that was rather unexpectedly interrupted during the prior session. The group managed to pull out a victory, and even save…
No episode 6
Unfortunately, due to a technical difficulty, there will be no episode 6. While attempting to utilize my new audio system, I accidentally disabled or likely just forgot to hit record. Thus the entire session has no audio, or very bad audio – bad enough to not even want to publish. I have since sorted out…