Author: Halfling13

  • Halloween

    Not much work today with the website or content, as we are enjoying Beggar’s Night with the kids. Not only is this a good season for candy, but I have always found this to be the best time to find or collect gaming props – there are an abundance of supplies at costume shops. And…

  • Metrics

    I must be doing something right, or perhaps I am being overly optimistic, because the activity metrics on the site are trending very favorably. Although statistics and metrics can always be misleading, I of course study them to try to see the future by learning from the past. Relative to the website at least, I…

  • Lack of posting

    Haven’t posted the last few days, primarily due to the previously mentioned office remodel. Over the weekend, we ventured forth to our local Ikea, and purchased numerous pieces for the office. Since early Friday, my computer systems have been dismantled, and they are only now getting back to operational status. Fortunately, most of the design…

  • Office remodel

    Making the move to remodel my workspace quite a bit, and hopefully gain a much cleaner area. Of course, step one is a massive purge of all the various collections I have gathered over the years. Going thru all the pieces, I have been discovering that there has been a lot of waste – projects…

  • Mic testing

    Ongoing evolution of my efforts. I spent some more time at our gaming location last night, attempting to recreate and then resolve the audio hum I was getting during the last session. At the time, it was very concerning – I had to reduce the gain in all cases to almost silent to eliminate it.…

  • Age of Ashes, lost episode

    So, apparently this whole video production thing is difficult – to the level that it is hard to remember all the bits and pieces in a rapidly moving and evolving configuration. Case in point – in order to have decent audio, it is important to actually start the recorder… As noted before, I spent the…

  • Age of Ashes, Episode 5

    Publishing the 5th episode of Chapter 1 of our Age of Ashes campaign. This one is a bit short this week, thanks to an untimely work related call that disrupted the game mid stream. The group returns to Citadel Altaerein, and begins the exploration of the lower vaults, to attempt the removal of the Cinderclaw…

  • 2019 MtG Tournament

    Finalized the schedule for our upcoming 3rd annual Magic the Gathering tournament, now planned for November 30, from 2 PM to 6 PM. Had a bit of a conflict with a pre-planned Scouting event, so had to switch from our normal Wednesday, but this may work out better. At least this way, travelers may be…