Category: 3d Printing
STL Library
Haven’t posted in a bit, mainly due to lots of distractions. If you have been following the YouTube channel, I have been posting some content over there a bit more frequently as it applies to the videos. I am happy to say the channel continues to grow, though that isn’t the focus of this post.…
Printer back online
Successful repair operation to replace the extruder fan on the Prusa i3MK3 3d printer. As previously reported, I was receiving sporadic temperature failures, which eventually lead to complete failures whenever the first layer was completed. The screen indicated either a TMC overtemp error, or a Crash Detected. In reality, it was neither. Instead, it was…
3d Printer offline
Been dealing with a problem with my 3d printer, the Prusa i3MK3s that I have been running for the last couple of years. Up until recently, it has been running very well – solid prints, reliable operation, no major issues. In recent months, I did have an issue with bed adhesion to the removable build…
Wraithbone Alternatives
In an effort to find a more cost-effective base coat paint for use with Contrast paints, we spent some time this weekend finding several similar shades of spray paint to the official Citadel Wraithbone. At this point, I have an official can, and 3 alternatives ranging from 50% to 75% cheaper. Assuming they work and…
Carrion Crown
This weekend is our next session of the Carrion Crown, with the group recently level’ed to level 7. The group has mostly resolved the issues faced at Ascanor Lodge and are now taking on the next stage of their journeys into the Shudderwood. As usual, the game will be streamed live, and we welcome any…