Category: 3d Printing
B1 Battle Droid update
Continuing the work and printing on the life-size B1 Battle Droid, which is now able to stand on its own. Central body pieces are still printing, then I can tackle the arms and hands, but the main structure is intact. Total height to the top of the head is about 6 foot 4 inches, taller…
Droid Progress
Updating on my 3d-printed life-size B1 Battle droid, which is slowly taking shape. I have completed the head, and most of the torso, after several days of printing. All the parts go together remarkable well, and ample use of super-glue is holding strong. I am currently working on finishing up his blaster rifle, which can…
3d Printer Troubleshooting – Bed Adhesion
A topic long ignored is my ongoing 3d printing, mainly around the filament printer. In my case, my current model is a Prusa i3MK3s, honestly a very solid work horse of a machine. It has been very reliable system, except for the occasional user errors with re-adjusting calibration and filament temperatures. However, over time, the…
B1 Battle Droid
Taking on a new big project and attempting to print and build a life-size B1 Battle Droid. This is from a design by Droid Division, and at least from the pictures, it should be rather impressive. Supposedly the final product stands 78 inches tall, so might be a bit imposing as well. Certainly, the full-size…
Game Session Props
An idea I have been toying with for some time has been the option to raffle away some of the miscellaneous props and figures from our gaming sessions. We also have ideas for more, and there is only so much storage space, so rather than having them gather dust, perhaps someone else can benefit. The…