Category: 3d Printing

  • Ice Golem

    A second creature a painted up for our Carrion Crown campaign is this Ice Golem, originally intended for far different purposes. The group has been complaining recently about my lack of large-size creatures, so this was a good time for such an oversized beast. This was a bit of a departure from the story as…

  • Trolls

    As planned, we continued our most recent Carrion Crown campaign this weekend, and as planned, we Twitch streamed the game. Overall, no major issues with that, though as expected the audience was non-existent. Maybe that will pick up, maybe it won’t, not really a big factor since it is more of a curiosity. Following the…

  • The Beast of Lepidstadt

    If you have been following along with our Carrion Crown campaign, the group has been heavily involved in the trial of the century, the trial of a creature known as the Beast of Lepidstadt. A flesh golem with apparent low-level intelligence, the monster is said to have terrorized the local countryside for the last 40…

  • Battle for Galactic Domination

    With the end of the year, a new tradition is attempting to be started, with a New Year’s Eve Twilight Imperium game. With a host of friends, some good food and decent drink, we are planning on a multi-hour game session of Twilight Imperium with the Prophecy of Kings supplement – allowing for 8 players…

  • Twitch printing

    Entirely new side project, I am working on a way to auto-stream 3d printing progress via Twitch. Not that there is a big audience to watch a printer run for 24 hours, but there might be some curiousity. Really, it is just an exercise to see if I can do it – I already have…