Category: Etsy

  • New options for my Wargame Widgets

    New options for my Wargame Widgets

    Based on customer feedback, I added a new line of colors to my 3d printing and have expanded the Wargame Widget line of unit markers. I am now stocking slightly less common colors of purple, orange, yellow, brown and gray, in addition to the original red, blue, black, white and green. This gave me motivation…

  • Settling down

    Settling down

    I think my corrections and fixes are finally settling in, and I have the e-commerce site apparently functional. Only a portion of my Etsy products are listed thus, more to come with likely a bit of an update on some of the photos. Biggest challenge I am running into is just the basic layout, modifying…

  • Unexpected refresh

    Unexpected refresh

    So I was tinkering around with setting up an e-commerce site, to duplicate my Etsy presence on this dedicated site instead. Unfortunately, although the installations themselves worked fine, it ended up wiping out my customized templates and themes. As such, you will no doubt notice a graphics overhaul on the site. I think I got…

  • New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    New Etsy Product – Vehicle bases

    Adding a few new designs to the Etsy collection, as I slowly increase my options. This time it is a set of Vehicle and Terrain bases I designed, since I don’t care for the “free” vehicle placement. Basically, in Bolt Action, infantry figures have a 1 inch base, artillery and heavy weapons have bases of…

  • Legion Battle Report 090

    Legion Battle Report 090

    Perhaps it is the release day, or perhaps it is the new content (Bad Batch and the new ruleset), but our latest battle report is doing very well on the analytics. We have smashed thru our prior records of views, comments, and new subscribers for the first 24 hours. I believe we have also already…

  • Apothecary Paint Storage

    Apothecary Paint Storage

    I am quite happy to say that my design for what I am calling my Apothecary Paint Storage option is finally finished, after a couple of months of design, test cuts and revisions. Everything fits together well, and all the sizes are accurate (at least for my materials of 2.8mm and 5mm thickness). I have…

  • Help support our content

    Help support our content

    Have you been enjoying our content, either on this site, or on the various YouTube channels? If so, consider a couple of our ways to support the channel and our efforts. The easiest is thru YouTube – a like on videos and your Subscribe action goes a long way to sharing the content and helping…

  • Etsy Update

    Hasn’t been much growth or focus on our Etsy presence, but I am happy to say that I consider it a success. Though our product listings are small, there is an audience for them, and I have sold a handful of physical products. This has encouraged me to start expanding the options, I have added…