Category: Crafting

  • Distractions


    Scheduling has been very difficult in the last couple of weeks, putting my battle reports well behind schedule. Between fall sports, band activities, and real-life concerns like work, there has not been much time for group activities, though that is hopefully changing back after the end of October. In the meantime, I have been hard…

  • Wargame Widgets

    Wargame Widgets

    If you play tabletop strategy games, you likely know the challenge of identifying different squads of infantry. Either the models are the same build, the weapons are similar, or the painting is similar, and when the units get bunched together, it is hard to separate which soldiers go with which squad. Or you don’t have…

  • Reinbeer Flight

    Reinbeer Flight

    Since apparently my plan for slate and cork coasters is on hold due to indefinite shipping delays for the blanks at Amazon, I focused in on my Reindeer Flight gift box design instead. This is something I made last year for the wife as a give-away to family, designed to hold 6 festive bottles of…

  • New Product Lines

    New Product Lines

    With the new laser, I am looking into alternate product lines. I have revised and renewed a couple older projects, but I am looking at several designs for drink coasters as an expansion. I have always been entertained by various designs, typically meme-inspired. And with a faster and more capable laser, I am having a…

  • Laser upgrade

    I made the dive into a larger world, and upgraded the current Laser cutting setup with a new machine. Previously, all my projects ran with an xTool D1 Pro, with a basic 10W LED laser. I had the option at the time for the 40W, but opted for the lower power mainly due to cost,…