Category: Wood Working

  • Bolt Action Scoreboard

    Bolt Action Scoreboard

    Finally caught up (a little) on my product development, and posted out Bolt Action Scoreboard on Etsy (soon to follow here). This includes both a digital download option, as well as the physical laser-cut design, depending on the customer’s capabilities. With the weather starting to warm up, it will be nice to get back into…

  • Revised Paint Rack design and Lightburn files

    Revised Paint Rack design and Lightburn files

    Had a bit of inspiration yesterday and have been working to revise my previous paint storage rack. The prior design was workable – I have several on my desk currently. However, it was based around 1/8″ plywood, and rather finicky to assemble. As one of my earlier laser cutting designs, I would say it was…

  • Token Organizer

    In our recent Star Wars Legion games, it has become obvious that token tracking is challenging. The game operates with a collection of tokens, which are intended to be placed on the board near the respective unit, in order to track various affects and modifiers. This works well and is easy to track. However, when…

  • Extinction Curse Rewards

    Our long running Pathfinder 2e campaign is just about to wrap up, we have perhaps 1 more session before the final big climax battle. This group was formed way back in 2021, and the group has steadily worked their way thru the storyline. Some characters have been lost, but a few are still the originals…

  • Star Wars: Legion Line of Sight

    This past weekend, one of our players attended a local tournament, and offered to spread the word of our channel and efforts. With appreciation, I engraved a set of order tokens for him, using our Logo for the back image, and the unit type for the front image. These worked well, and it had a…

  • Woodworking – the Paint Rack

    I have finalized my design for a paint rack, and have been actively cutting the parts. The overall design is large, but is mainly so that I can hold all the various paints I have collected. Cut from 3mm plywood, the assembly is fairly fast and easy, and the structure is surprisingly solid once together.…

  • Game Table Enhancement

    A project this week was to build an enhancement to our gaming table setup, specifically to add LED lights along the edge. In prior games, the screen we use is rather difficult to see due to glare from the lights. If we turn off the lights however, the players can’t read character sheets. This was…

  • Flower Boxes

    With the weather turning nice, I have jumped into some new woodworking projects, with the long-term goal of setting up a small side business. I am not looking for a new career, mainly just a funding source for the hobby and a means to slowly grow or improve the other tools. Of course, trying to…