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Category: Gaming
Mordheim tabletop battles have begun
At long last, we officially kicked off our Mordheim efforts, revisiting a game that hasn’t seen action in 25 years. Mordheim was published by Games Workshop back near 2000, and very popular with our group, but went out of print after a few years. Recently, there has been a surge of interest, and with the…
The Enemy Within
No new episode of the Enemy Within campaign today, as we deal with illness for players and multiple schedule conflicts. We were set to start the next chapter (The Horned Rat), with a new set of characters to replace those that have retired, as well as potentially a new player. This chapter continues the ongoing…
Star Wars Legion (069) – Empire vs Separatist
Our latest episode and battle report, a battle between the Empire and the Separatists, featuring the new Geonosian models. This is the first of several video experimenting with some new camera and presentation layouts – based on feedback a relatively unsuccessful test. Thad plays the Separatists against my Empire force, and the battle ended up…
Carrion Crown (Pathfinder 2e)
Another session in our Carrion Crown campaign, as the group slowly approaches the climax of the storyline. Working against the Whispering Way and the Cult of Urgathoa, the group has been working their way thru the catacombs of Renchurch for the past several sessions, each battle being slightly more dangerous than the last. In this…
Warhammer FRP – The Enemy Within
Our ongoing Warhammer FRP campaign finally concluded chapter 4 of our story, wrapping up the events of Power Behind the Throne. The events of Carnival and the plots reached a climax, and the group’s investigation finally managed to solve several of the mysteries. Of course, not all puzzles had a solution, or were able to…
Legion episodes
With the websites now stable again after all the updates, I have been able to refocus in our on our ongoing Legion content. After the conclusion of our house tournament, we switched over to a slightly different format, and started live streaming our battles. Participation has been reasonable, though low, which is to be expected,…
Carrion Crown
Latest episode of our Carrion Crown campaign, using the Pathfinder 2e setting goes live this Friday. The group continues thru the final chapter of the campaign, rather close to finishing the campaign. The group has been exploring the catacombs beneath Renchurch for many sessions and struggling against waves of undead. After this last session however,…
Warmaster Updates
Spent a bit of time updating and adding a bunch of content to our custom Warhammer/Rolemaster fantasy mechanics, used for our existing Enemy Within campaign. The game has been going strong now for several years, despite originally thinking it would only last a few months. As a result, the details have evolved quite a bit…