Category: Gaming

  • Star Wars Legion 048

    Battle 48 is posting this Friday, kicking off our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. Eight players in our group, competing in a double-elimination tournament, for the bragging rights and ownership of a traveling trophy. We are looking for viewer feedback specifically to help resolve ties. Instead of the usual mechanic of going to points,…

  • Sabine Wren

    Featured in a recent battle report recording, Sabine Wren enters the battle for the Rebellion with her colorful armor and decorations. This is an older model that I held off on due to the extra decorations – a rather intimidating pattern. However, once I had actually started, I didn’t end up finding it particularly hard…

  • Legion Mega-Battle conclusion

    The conclusion of our Star Wars Legion 1600 pt mega-battle is now live, with the final three turns of the match. If you haven’t had the chance to view the prior half, that one is obviously available still as well. The battle was a tough fight, and a long recording session, stretching into 11 hours…

  • Ahsoka Tano (Fulcrum)

    This was supposed to be auto-posted on the 15th, but apparently was missed. The most recent release for Star Wars Legion was the Fulcrum edition of Ahsoka Tano. Initially my plan was to paint her up the same weekend, but as usual various other challenges got in the way. We were planning on a battle…

  • Shatterpoint progress

    We are continuing to work on painting and assembling all of the core set for Shatterpoint, which proved to be quite a task. Assembly is finally finished after a couple of weeks, and I am now starting on the painting effort. First to be tackled was the B1 units – these are quick and easy…

  • Carrion Crown continues

    This Friday will be a new episode of the Carrion Crown Pathfinder 2e campaign, recorded this last Sunday. With various scheduling conflicts over the last month, the campaign (and Extinction Curse) has been on pause, so it was nice to resume the story. Unfortunately we had lost a lot of the momentum, which showed in…

  • The Enemy Within ep 3.38

    One campaign that continues to be going strong is our Warhammer Fantasy/Rolemaster mashup, playing (loosely) the Enemy Within campaign. This storyline has been going on now for nearly 3 years (with a 1-year break in the middle) and is very popular with the players involved. Despite schedules, we are able to routinely get together and…

  • Star Wars – Shatterpoint

    A view behind the scenes, as I work to assemble the mountain of plastic that is the Star Wars Shatterpoint starter set. I opted to pick this game up on release day, and have been working on it off and on since. Within a few weeks, I hope to have everything assembled and painted, and…