Category: Gaming

  • Legion Episode 043

    The next of our ongoing Legion battles – this time sees my return to my Separatist army, with Count Dooku and Cad Bane leading the forces. I am playing against the Empire, running General Veers and Commander Krennic, and four full squads of Death Troopers. Mission selection is Intercept the Transmissions, in a Long March…

  • RPG Content growth

    Although we have had a bit of disruption in our RPG content over the month of May, mainly due to multiple scheduling conflicts, the channel continues to grow. Definitely not fast, never really expected it to, but slow and steady. Looking back at our older videos, even from early this year or last year, we…

  • Thumbnail format

    In my constant effort to improve and change, I am working on revising the Legion battle report thumbnails again. I had watched a video which claimed that less text is better, and started thinking that my current format is rather busy and jumbled. After polling briefly our Discord group, settled on an easier format, with…

  • Episode 042

    Our upcoming Episode 042 sees the first battle report for our group with Commander Cody, joined by Obi-wan Kenobi taking on a collection of Rebel heroes (Cassian Andor, K-2SO, Jyn Erso, and Din Djarin). The mission is a Recover the Supplies battle, with a Long March deployment. Unfortunately, the initial setup lead to an unexpected…

  • Mega-Battle adjustments

    In my video prep for our upcoming 1600 point 2v2 Legion battle, I mocked up a graphic summarizing the various rules and adjustments. Basic premise is that each army is independent, but allied. Enemies are shared, but your respective abilities can only affect your own specific forces. If you have any thoughts, let me know…

  • Star Wars Legion Mega-battle

    We are gearing up for a special edition Star Wars Legion battle-report, a player requested “mega-battle”. Specifically, this is a 2v2 battle, with 2 players on each side, instead of a simple 1600 pt battle force with 2 total players. Currently, the factions are 2x Separatists vs a combined Empire and Shadow Collective team –…

  • Carrion Crown campaign paused

    There will be a short break in the Carrion Crown campaign, due to numerous scheduling conflicts. Our latest game was going to be this last Sunday, but cancelled due to the US Mother’s Day holiday. Our next game in two weeks will be similarly cancelled, since that is overlapped with my oldest son’s high school…

  • Legion Episode 041

    Episode 041 this week is a match between the heroes of the Rebellion, including Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, and Din Djarin vs the might of the Empire lead by Darth Vader – available Friday morning or early access to Patreon supporters.