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Category: Gaming
Star Wars Legion 023
Finished up and published our lasted Star Wars Legion battle report, coincidentally episode 023, just in time for 2023. Video is processing with YouTube currently, should be online on schedule Friday morning (or early access to all Patreon supporters). Separatists take on the Empire in a Hostage Exchange.
YouTube sub channels
It’s been a project on my to-do list for several months, but as of the start of the year, I have begun splitting out my existing YouTube material into several smaller channels. This involves a lot of re-uploading and configuring of additional presences, but hopefully will allow for a bit more focus on each channel.…
Extinction Curse, Episode 5.14
Posted this morning is the latest episode of our Extinction Curse campaign, with the climactic battle between the group and the Mummy Lord Dyzallen. This was particularly challenging, since the Cleric of the group has somehow gone to the dark side, and joined the enemy, working against the group in the last couple of encounters.…
Star Wars Legion Speederbikes
Some of the oldest figures I have had for the game (they came with the initial starter box) is the unit of Speederbikes. After all this time, I managed to finally give them a proper coat of paint, without covering the transparent post. Paint method is very similar to my scout trooper process (Apothecary White,…
Legion Painting, Part 2
A second set of painted figured, working quickly thru my Empire backlog. First up is the Emperor and his Royal Guard. Nice and simple, only two or three colors and nothing fancy. Flesh-tearer Red and Black Templar for the Guard, and Black Templar, Wyldwood, and Plaguebearer Flesh for the Emperor. Also managed to finish up…
Legion painting
Been doing a bit of painting recently, trying out a few new techniques, and managed to finish up a number of Empire units. First and most importantly is finally painting Darth Vader. Especially for how simple the color scheme is, I really should have done this one much earlier. Primary color is just a basic…
Star Wars Legion – Episode VIII
Our latest battle report, pitting the Rebellion against the Empire. Solid game, very close results. Both players came into the battle with a perfect loss record, meaning someone was going to be happy to break that streak. YouTube
Warhammer FRP – Assault of Black Peaks
If you haven’t been keeping up with the Warhammer storyline, we resume the campaign tonight with a large-scale battle over the coalmines of Black Peaks. Originally, this was founded by a clan of dwarves, but in recent times it was sold to a wizard who wanted to move into the area. The locals consider it…