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Category: Gaming
LAAT/LE Patrol craft
Another couple of large projects, painted and finished up for Star Wars: Legion. First one is one that has been sitting for a while, the LAAT/LE Patrol craft. Painted in Army Painter Spaceship Grey, and a layer of Citadel Black Templar contrast on the wings. The entire vessel was given a rough wash of my…
Kingmaker campaign
Since we wrapped up the Extinction Curse and the Carrion Crown campaigns, our group has been eager to know what the next story is. At this point, I am looking to run the full Kingmaker campaign as the next major adventure. This is one that we attempted a long time ago, but only ran the…
Warhammer FRP gap – The Enemy Within 5.07
Although we had our weekly Warhammer FRP session yesterday, I unfortunately spaced out, and forgot to hit record on the cameras. Everything was working, this was just my own memory. As an alternative, I will try to provide a short synopsis of the story instead, since our video chronicle will now have a gap. At…
Legion Painting – Imperial Bunker Console
In preparation for our upcoming double-feature of Star Wars Legion, I finished up the Imperial Bunker set, specifically the interior command console. The details on this turned out pretty good in my mind, though it does highlight the very basic paint job of the bunker itself. Click the image for a full resolution view. Unfortunately,…
Legion Battle 077 – Tempest Force vs Bright Tree
This week we have a fairly short battle between a Tempest Force battle force against the Ewoks of Bright Tree. Carter is playing the Empire, with George playing the Rebels. Both battle forces are new for our group, this is the first time either composition has been used. For Tempest Force, it is really just…
Pirates of Drinax, episode 1
A successful launch of the new campaign, with all 6 players available for a long Saturday session. As normal, the session was recorded, and will be available this coming Friday for viewers. Subscribe to the YouTube channel for notifications and awareness of releases, and to help support us. We started the campaign using the old…
Pirates of Drinax
Our next campaign is kicked off, likely this coming weekend (video available the following week). This is our combination Traveller/Shadowrun campaign, with the group experiencing the Trojan Reach with the Pirates of Drinax campaign. Character generation is already done, and it was a lot of fun, I think the group agrees that this was probably…
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Have you been enjoying our content, either on this site, or on the various YouTube channels? If so, consider a couple of our ways to support the channel and our efforts. The easiest is thru YouTube – a like on videos and your Subscribe action goes a long way to sharing the content and helping…