Category: RPG

  • Extinction Curse update

    In our Extinction Curse campaign, we are just about to wrap up Chapter 3, with the group assaulting the Xulgaths (troglodytes) at the 3rd Aeon Tower in the Swardlands. The Xulgaths have consolidated and reinforced, and their leader was hiding out in the tower, waiting for the group that have harassed their forces over the…

  • Props – The Umbral Leaves

    Part of our prop collection, this book is described in the adventure as “a translation into Common of the unholy book of Zon-Kuthon”, diety of Envy, Pain, Darkness, and Loss. From some basic digging, it supposedly contains all of the worst tortures and torments of the diety, and is covered in what appears to be…

  • Props – The Professor’s Journal

    In preparation for our Carrion Crown campaign, my prop-master (the wife) was tasked with coming up with a variety of game aids and props for the story. Things that would impart the setting, be tactile, and perhaps provide further background and clues. The entire group was very impressed with the results. One of our more…

  • The Skipping Song

    Historically, nursery rhymes have always been a bit creepy – there are plenty of times where fairly horrible events eventually became children’s songs, echoed thru the generations. The Carrion Crown campaign takes advantage of this, and uses a similar pattern to provide clues and context to the historical events of the story. Long before, there…

  • Props – the Haunt Siphon

    In preparation for our Carrion Crown campaign, my prop-master (the wife) was tasked with coming up with a variety of game aids and props for the story. Things that would impart the setting, be tactile, and perhaps provide further background and clues. The entire group was very impressed with the results. The simplest of these…

  • Carrion Crown, second session

    Our next session of the Carrion Crown campaign is set for this weekend, to be streamed live again. Hopefully you can join us for the fun and story, and experience the challenges faced by the group. In the last session, the group attended the funeral of Professor Petro Lorrimor, a long time acquaintance, mentor, and…

  • Hexton Hills

    As mentioned, one of my next big projects is a Golarian world map, designed and printed in Hexton Hills 3d terrain tiles. First stage is a proof of concept Settlers of Catan board, before I dive into the much larger project of a full regional or world map. One of the excuses I have had…

  • Streaming content

    At this point, I am comfortable with our streaming schedule and the content itself – we have successfully streamed several sessions, including 2 of our Extinction Curse and 1 of our Carrion Crown campaigns. Certainly there are still technical challenges to be had, but the content itself is solid. These are published directly to YouTube,…