Category: RPG

  • Return of the video content

    At long last, I have started recording our game sessions again, and editing them for YouTube. We are currently running a very fun and exciting (at least for the players) campaign set in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th edition) system, which I am using for my efforts. So far, I have the first session completed,…

  • The Berebeli

    Switching gears a bit from the recent Star Wars strategy games, and refocusing on my RPG efforts. This week finally sees our return to live, in person gaming, a situation I have been waiting for for quite some time. Not only will this be my first GM’ing post-Covid with a life group, but it will…

  • Plaguestone falls again

    With the ending of our Age of Ashes campaign, we have been without one of the primary storylines for a couple of weeks. During this past time, I have been evaluating options. Although I have a few thoughts myself for future games, I did manage to convince one of our players to try their hand…

  • Gaming space

    In preparation for a game George is hoping to host this weekend, we moved forward with setting up the gaming space and table to take advantage of the first wave of ideas. In particular, we wanted to use the massive table, along with a flat screen to display Fantasy Grounds and the virtual tabletop. This…

  • Warhammer FRP

    Planning on our first true session this coming Friday for our new Warhammer FRP game, and strongly leaning towards a live, in-person game again. It has been many months since we played any game face to face, and although the ongoing pandemic is still a big concern in the United States, it feels like time…

  • Age of Ashes comes to an end

    After quite a long run, we unfortunately closed the books on the Age of Ashes campaign over the weekend. During our prior sessions, the group had become over extended, and managed to get themselves captured by the Scarlet Triad. After the villain revealed their plans, he activated a death trap (on a very slow clock),…

  • Pathfinder 2e Updates

    Since I haven’t posted in a while (since last year), my updates on our current Pathfinder 2e campaigns has been lacking. As a reminder, we have two active campaigns, both bi-weekly. The first is the Age of Ashes storyline, the second is the Extinction Curse storyline, and both have been running for quite some time.…

  • Warhammer FRP

    As of this coming Friday, we are launching a new RPG session, starting a campaign set in the Warhammer FRP 4e setting and rule set. I have been a fan of this game since the first edition, and have played most of the strategy and computer games, but there hasn’t been a group interested and…