Category: RPG

  • Virtual Tabletop

    As I have posted, we have been attempting to continue our ongoing gaming efforts remotely, so that we don’t have to cancel the campaigns. For this effort, we have been using Fantasy Grounds, which as a product has worked very well. The software is stable, and the features continue to be enhanced (we are using…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes

    Our other primary campaign, and the longer running one of the two, is our ongoing Age of Ashes campaign. This is our bi-weekly Sunday game, though recent conflicts with the Scouting activities has caused some gaps. The group is currently level 10, located in the city of Kintargo, in the midst of Chapter 3. After…

  • Pathfinder – Extinction Curse

    As an update to one of our two Pathfinder campaigns, we continue to progress thru the Extinction Curse campaign path. Our schedule is still bi-weekly on Fridays, though sports activities have caused a skipped game here and there. The group is currently in the midst of Chapter 2, working their way thru the mysteries of…

  • Warhammer FRP

    As the days of our move continue to stretch on, but our goal comes closer, I have been entertaining the idea of starting additional gaming campaigns. I previously mentioned the potential for a Shadowrun based space/sci-fi campaign, which I still have interest in, but my current focus has instead been turning towards Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.…

  • Shadowrun Space

    Been pondering options for a sci-fi campaign, now that our Starfinder game has been closed down. Admittedly, I was not a big fan of the Starfinder system (it felt a bit forced for the intent), but I am always a fan of science fiction. The general setting was solid enough, though perhaps a bit too…

  • Pathfinder Campaigns

    I haven’t posted in a while about our ongoing (and still active) Pathfinder campaigns, primarily due to our move and the discontinuing of the video archive. Both adventure paths are still active and alive, despite being entirely virtual these days – a state we are hoping to change once the new house is done. For…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes

    I havent posted anything regarding our Age of Ashes campaign in a while, since we discontinued the video efforts for the storyline. This campaign continues on pace, with our bi-weekly games, and we continue to use Fantasy Grounds Classic for the sessions. Just recently, the group wrapped up Chapter 2 successfully, and we quickly moved…

  • Gaming schedules

    As our move settles down, my gaming schedule seems to have settled as well. I am currently involved in three separate campaigns, which does add a lot of effort, and was a bit of a juggling match over the last few weeks. Our ongoing Pathfinder 2 Age of Ashes campaign has resumed, and continues every…