Category: RPG

  • Video content adjustments

    Revising the intro to our campaign videos a bit, to try to streamline and shorten the start. Basically, feedback I received was that it was too long waiting for the actual content – which is definitely true. With some revision and consolidation, I trimmed out about 30 seconds. It does seem like much, but for…

  • Gencon 2020

    Its that time again, and registration for the 2020 Gencon Convention in Indianapolis is coming up. Badge sales open January 26, and our gaming group (Huber Tabletop) is planning on attending for our second year. Not sure yet of our total numbers, but I do know of at least 5 going thus far. Fortunately we…

  • Extinction Curse update

    For our second RPG group, we are starting to reach the end of the introductory adventure, The Fall of Plaguestone. The group of 7 players has been fairly successful, though they are of course having to adapt to their particular characters – in some cases with varying degrees of success. For several, this is the…

  • Craters and Pools

    Traveling again thanks to my day job, visiting the Toledo area (as usual). This definitely causes an impact on my hobby activities – video editing is reduced to my laptop’s capabilities, and 3d printing is a bit more problematic (though still possible thanks to Octoprint). Currently working on some more terrain in preparation for our…

  • Big Norm

    A side benefit of using customized STL files for miniatures – I can have some fun with them and print oversized options. In particular, our first character, Norm, I re-printed as a 300% collectible statue for my son. This takes advantage of the detail of the model, and gave me a chance to try out…

  • Cryptex

    A side project I have been working on for a week or two now as a future prop for our gaming is this Cryptex design. The original files are available on Thingiverse, both the remixed version ( and the original version ( I used Hatchbox Black PLA for the interior mechanics, and Prusament Galaxy Silver…

  • Fall of Plaguestone update

    In our second ongoing group, we are continuing the Fall of Plaguestone adventure, as an introduction and teaching opportunity for the new players. This has been running now for several sessions, though I am not documenting it at the level of our Age of Ashes campaign. Admittedly, most of the adventure started slow – between…

  • Episode 9 pieces

    By now, half of the pieces of Episode 9 of our Age of Ashes campaign should be posted on YouTube. I am trying out a different format for this one – breaking each long session into small chunks, and publishing the pieces daily instead of every other week. I was convinced by the wife that…