Category: RPG

  • Norm, the goblin rogue

    New printer, new projects. The first such major effort is a re-attempt at printing custom miniatures for our gaming group’s Pathfinder stories (and potentially others). With the old printer, this was not a practical option – the resolution was simply not there, and it was far too unreliable. With a Prusa i3 MK3s however, it…

  • New video format

    Going to try out a different format for our video sessions for the gaming – the level of engagement on each one is almost non-existent. Honestly, I didn’t expect anything else – it is a long dry session of watching other people play a game. But after some prompting, it was suggested that one issue…

  • Age of Ashes, episode 8

    Latest episode is now available for our Age of Ashes campaign. This one is a bit truncated, partially due to scheduling conflicts due to the holiday, and partially due to character leveling. However, for the game time we did get in, the group was notably more efficient and fast moving. In this episode, the group…

  • Catch up on the Age of Ashes

    If you are newer to this site or our content, with the upcoming holidays, now is a good time to catch up on our Age of Ashes storyline and adventure. I release content typically every 2 weeks (barring technical issues), and you can view all of the videos on YouTube with the following playlist. As…

  • Latest session

    Another successful game session in the Age of Ashes campaign, and happily the efficiency of the game has notably improved. Prior games, we seemed to manage only a single combat or two, with a full five hour game. This time, we managed three separate combats, with only about half of the game time (due to…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes, Episode 7

    Due to various issues, it has been a bit since I was able to successfully publish a video, but here is the latest now available. In this episode, the group returns to the lower levels of the Citadel, and encounters some unexpected resistance while clearing out the goblin homes. As always, if you enjoy the…

  • Video processing

    It was painful, due to several processing problems, but the latest session of the Age of Ashes campaign is finally finished and now waiting for Friday. I am still not sure, but there was or is some error in the files, that caused a freeze whenever I was rendering, and an unusually long render time.…

  • Legolas

    Slowly we are filling out the rest of the group’s painted miniatures, as the various players complete their painting. For this last game, Legolas was presented, in all his bronze glory. This figure was painted by Craig, who did a very good job, especially since he has not painted very many figures before, and this…