Category: RPG

  • Gencon 2019

    Gencon 2019 convention is starting tomorrow, and for the first time, my son and I are attending the entire 4 day event. In previous years, we have gone on the Sunday Family Day, but last year there was simply no way to see and experience everything. With some planning since December, we decided to do…

  • Test video completed

    Finished and posted the test video, now looking for feedback. As stated yesterday, the video quality is what it is, and the audio is still a challenge, so I cant do much about those. If the editing, camera placement, sound effects, or music are off, that is something I can fix, or at least try…

  • Video testing

    Finalizing my second composition testing of video/podcast production, with the video rendering now in the background. This should be almost a final test, before we start our Age of Ashes campaign next month. I managed to pull together some logos and intros, along with some music I am happy with, and now have a reliable…

  • Pathfinder – Kingmaker

    As we approach the Gencon convention, we are wrapping up our second season of our ongoing Pathfinder campaign with the Kingmaker adventure path. Chapter 1 has not progressed as quickly as I had hoped, so with only one game remaining, we are going to skip ahead a bit to the finale for our last session…

  • Age of Ashes, Test A

    In preparation for our upcoming Age of Ashes campaign, I am revising our camera and recording setup. Keep in mind, this is being done at as low of budget as possible, with a bit of creativity, luck, and inexpensive gear. To that end, during our last session, I attempted to test our process, and record…

  • Pathfinder: Kingmaker

    In lighter news, and as an update for our Kingmaker campaign, we managed to continue the clearing of the Kamelands this past weekend. The group, starting from Oleg’s outpost again, had managed some successes in the prior session, and now had some spare cash. As a result, they re-supplied, and opted for horses for the…

  • Season 3 preparations

    In preparation for Season 3 of our Pathfinder campaigns, scheduled to start early in August with the release of the Second edition Pathfinder rules and the Age of Ashes adventure path, I have been working to re-evaluate and redesign my podcast capabilities. Apparently the terminology for this is now an “Active Play” podcast – a…

  • Pathfinder – Kingmaker update

    With our most recent session, the group continued their exploration of the Kamelands, and managed a bit of success. We first concluded the battle against the bandit camp – unfortunately the Sorcerer was lost when the group was unable to stop his slaying after the group as a whole decided against surrendering. However, that provided…