Category: RPG

  • Red Dragon update

    Finished the printing of the pieces for the ancient red dragon, and did a bit of quick assembly. The pieces are still rough, and could use at least a coat of a primer, if not a full painting, but overall I am rather happy with the results. I included a Valeros figure for reference. The…

  • Dragons

    In preparation for the upcoming Age of Ashes Pathfinder campaign, I decided I could use my 3d printer to create some of the big bads of the story. Of course, I don’t have any of the details yet, but I know the adventure includes several dragons, and at least one major red dragon. So I…

  • Pathfinder: Kingmaker

    Continuing our current Kingmaker campaign, the group set out from Oleg’s again, after managing to have several of the group cleansed of their recent lycanthropy curses. Unfortunately, those cures cost most of the remaining resources, so the group was looking for a big win to bring in some needed resources.

  • New RPG options

    Been having some email discussions with my long term gaming friends, and entertaining the idea of starting up a second bi-weekly schedule. Still very preliminary, and no idea of who or what, but been brainstorming various options. Listed in no particular order is some ideas I have: Warhammer Fantasy setting with GURPs mechanics (aka, GURPs…

  • Age of Ashes

    For our upcoming Pathfinder 2 campaign, we are going to be running the soon-to-be-published Age of Ashes campaign from Paizo. With this campaign, I am going to make the attempt to restart my video logs of the game sessions, and hopefully improve the end result a bit from various lessons I have learned from previous…

  • Kingmaker, Episode 4 – Werewolves and Mites

    In our latest episode, the group continued their exploration of the Kamelands, branching further away from Oleg’s Trading Post. With several missions and quests in hand, the group is a bit fragmented, but rapidly getting organized. As a change for this campaign, I am requiring all the players to track their own gear. In the…

  • Kingmaker, episode 3 – Spider Warren

    Continued our Kingmaker campaign on Sunday, with the full crowd this time. Having established themselves at Oleg’s Trading Post, the group started their exploration, and located a giant spider nest nearby. Deciding it was best to investigate and eliminate the threat, they initially were attacked by a single spider – which was defeated rather easily.…

  • Kyras, Marra, and Lanliss

    Our third group is another family of three, and veterans of our prior campaign Craig is playing Kyras, a Half-Elf Inquisitor of Iomedae. Craig has painted figures before, but I honestly am not sure if he painted this one, or it was pre-painted. Either way, the figure is well done, and represents his character well.…