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Category: RPG
Spires of Xin-Shalast
With great excitement, the group kicked off the start of the final chapter of the Rise of the Runelords campaign, the Spires of Xin-Shalast. Having successfully escaped Runeforge last time with a collection of Domineering weapons, they are finally prepared for the quest to find Mhar Massif and the fabled city of greed, Xin-Shalast itself. …
Pathfinder, conclusion of Chapter 5
Success over the weekend, with the conclusion of Chapter 5 of the Rise of the Runelords. The group, rather focused this week, managed to wrap up the Halls of Wrath section of Runeforge, and escape back to Golarion. In the process, they rather easily defeated the guardians, and it was only when the Barbarian opted…
Pathfinder delays
We did plan on having our Pathfinder session this last weekend, to resolve the mystery of the fate of the group following the cliffhanger of the prior session. Unfortunately, my son’s football game got rained out on Saturday, and rescheduled for Sunday, right in the middle of our usual schedule (and several of our players…
Campaign Options
In preparation for our next major campaign, I am strongly considering using the 2nd Edition Pathfinder rules. The setting obviously is familiar to the group, and the ruleset is similar enough to make things understandable. And since they have a full campaign of experience now, it would not be too challenging for the group to…
Pathfinder – Difficult Decisions
As I mentioned yesterday, the group was very entertaining and the story very engaging during this last session. Previously, having finished the Shimmering Veils of Pride, the group had obtained the magical components, as well as a detailed plan on how to use those to create Dominating weapons to eventually face Karzoug. As a convenience…
Setting records in our Pathfinder game
Our recent session was both entertaining and intense, even more so since we ended on a very big cliff hanger. We started the session reminiscing a bit, going over the recent Gencon, and eventually discussing how this particular campaign has set several records for my gaming career. Not only is this the largest long term…
Shadowrun schedule
This next weekend is the long awaited and delayed full start to Shadowrun (maybe). Unfortunately, we have a conflict with the kid’s football schedules. My son’s football plays on Sunday, which make me unavailable, and one of the players plays on Sunday as well, making his family (and most of our other players) unavailable. As…
Pathfinder – Rise of the Runelords
We continue our bi-weekly game this weekend, with the groups attempts to finally craft the Dominating weapons, and then try to escape from Runeforge. From the last session, they believe that they have discovered that the exit lies in the Halls of Wrath, but they have not yet explored that area as of yet. With…