Category: RPG

  • Rise of the Runelords upcoming

    This Sunday is our next session of Pathfinder, with the group continuing and hopefully finishing the battle in the sinkhole beneath Sandpoint.  From there, the adventure continues as the group moves forward with their quest to locate Runeforge.  Perhaps the strange riddle they have discovered within the tunnels will point them in a direction, and…

  • More tiles

    The last few RPG sessions have been rather successful with the use of my growing collection of 3d printed gaming tiles, and the group is really enjoying the addons.  Every game, at least a couple of the players comment about how much it adds to the game, to be able to see the walls and…

  • Pathfinder – Rise of the Runelords

    The group continues to dig into the sinkhole beneath Sandpoint, starting the session off where we ended previously with a combat with a pair of Glabrezu demons.  Hampered by the ongoing confusion caused by the fog and environment (a magical lingering effect), the group finally managed to come together and face down the creatures.  Damage…

  • Upcoming Pathfinder

    This weekend we are continuing the Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords campaign, with the group continuing the fight against the creatures beneath Sandpoint.  We ended the last game session mid-combat, so we will need to get that momentum going again.  Hopefully in the meantime, the group has come up with a plan, and perhaps a…

  • Rise of the Runelords, Chapter 5.1 – The Sinkhole

    If you have been a following of my on again off again podcast/video format, first of all thanks, but second I am likely going to discontinue that effort.  Realistically, it is a lot of effort to prepare the videos every other week, and the very small audience I seem to be reaching just isn’t worth…

  • Rise of the Runelords

    Unfortunately, we had a faulty start to Chapter 5, and had to cancel the scheduled game this weekend.  Our player group, although very large at 10 players, was missing half of the group do to scheduling challenges.  Admittedly this would have brought the group down to a “reasonable” size – a 5 player group is…

  • GURPs Warhammer update

    So we tried again this weekend, and again had to end up cancelling the plan game due to scheduling difficulties.  The good news is that the system is very workable, and seems very solid for the intended storyline.  Unfortunately, real life is just too much of a plan changer to reliably maintain the game.  As…

  • Spring Break

    Enjoying some spring break with my family, so not going to be posting much this week.  Next week its back to work, and so should have more content to start listing again.  As for schedule, this weekend we have our GURPs Warhammer game again, and I am hoping to set aside time to edit the…