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Category: RPG
With the conclusion of our Extinction Curse campaign, we are preparing for the start of our replacement storyline. Originally, the plan was to attempt a Superhero storyline, using the Hero System RPG. That was dropped relatively recently, in favor of a more group-favored Science Fiction campaign. Thus, the Horizon campaign was spawned. The basic concept…
Extinction Curse Completed
In my long gaming hobby, spanning 40+ years, I have very rarely finished a campaign. Certainly campaigns have ended, but almost all either die off due to lost motivation, changing interests, schedule conflicts, etc, or just fade away over time. After this weekend, I can say I have fully completed 2 full campaigns, start to…
The Barbarian of Vessille
In our ongoing Warhammer FRP gaming group (full session videos on YouTube), the party is currently attending the annual Carnival celebration in Middenheim. Part of the Enemy Within campaign material is a great amount of events and details around the calendar of events for the 10 day festival, along with the notable NPCs that are…
Extinction Curse Conclusion (almost)
This last Sunday was scheduled to be our final episode of the Extinction Curse campaign, with the final big climax battle against the Xulgaths. The game happened (video coming Friday), but the battle ran longer than expected. Thus far, we are 9 rounds in, and the big bad evil guy is still fighting strong. This…
Carrion Crown continues
This Friday will be a new episode of the Carrion Crown Pathfinder 2e campaign, recorded this last Sunday. With various scheduling conflicts over the last month, the campaign (and Extinction Curse) has been on pause, so it was nice to resume the story. Unfortunately we had lost a lot of the momentum, which showed in…
The Enemy Within ep 3.38
One campaign that continues to be going strong is our Warhammer Fantasy/Rolemaster mashup, playing (loosely) the Enemy Within campaign. This storyline has been going on now for nearly 3 years (with a 1-year break in the middle) and is very popular with the players involved. Despite schedules, we are able to routinely get together and…
RPG Content growth
Although we have had a bit of disruption in our RPG content over the month of May, mainly due to multiple scheduling conflicts, the channel continues to grow. Definitely not fast, never really expected it to, but slow and steady. Looking back at our older videos, even from early this year or last year, we…
Carrion Crown campaign paused
There will be a short break in the Carrion Crown campaign, due to numerous scheduling conflicts. Our latest game was going to be this last Sunday, but cancelled due to the US Mother’s Day holiday. Our next game in two weeks will be similarly cancelled, since that is overlapped with my oldest son’s high school…