Category: Pathfinder

  • Pathfinder Campaigns

    I haven’t posted in a while about our ongoing (and still active) Pathfinder campaigns, primarily due to our move and the discontinuing of the video archive. Both adventure paths are still active and alive, despite being entirely virtual these days – a state we are hoping to change once the new house is done. For…

  • Pathfinder – Age of Ashes

    I havent posted anything regarding our Age of Ashes campaign in a while, since we discontinued the video efforts for the storyline. This campaign continues on pace, with our bi-weekly games, and we continue to use Fantasy Grounds Classic for the sessions. Just recently, the group wrapped up Chapter 2 successfully, and we quickly moved…

  • Gaming schedules

    As our move settles down, my gaming schedule seems to have settled as well. I am currently involved in three separate campaigns, which does add a lot of effort, and was a bit of a juggling match over the last few weeks. Our ongoing Pathfinder 2 Age of Ashes campaign has resumed, and continues every…

  • Halting the video content

    As part of our house-swapping efforts, my time has become very limited. This, along with the very low views on any of the content, has convinced me that it is a rather large amount of work for a very small benefit. As such, as the current YouTube posting come to an end, I am going…

  • Age of Ashes, Chapter 2, Episode 5

    Episode 5 of the 2nd Chapter (Cult of Cinders) of our Age of Ashes campaign is being released now on YouTube. If you are a supporter on Patreon, you can view the content up to two weeks early. Otherwise, the content will be released in pieces over the next couple of weeks. This particular session…