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Category: Pathfinder
Extinction Curse Campaign
This weekend was episode 11 of our ongoing Chapter 5 of the Extinction Curse, with the group rapidly tracking down the villain and major threat of the region. However, due to real-life scheduling issues, mainly around several group members activities for the upcoming Halloween holiday, we will be suspending this storyline for a few weeks.…
Giant Centipedes
After a short break, we had another session of the Carrion Crown campaign, with the group continuing thru the Shudderwood. As partially expected, the group was highly resistant to the concept of running when faced with overwhelming odds, so stalled out a bit with a horde of werewolves in the forest. As a result, more…
Carrion Crown
This weekend is our next session of the Carrion Crown, with the group recently level’ed to level 7. The group has mostly resolved the issues faced at Ascanor Lodge and are now taking on the next stage of their journeys into the Shudderwood. As usual, the game will be streamed live, and we welcome any…
Extinction Curse
Latest episode of our Extinction Curse campaign should be posted now at the below link. The group continues to explore Xul-Khundar in the Black Desert, searching for clues on the location of the last Aeon Sphere. This session was a bit heavier on the combat – the nature of high-level Pathfinder is much more long…
Carrion Crown latest
Another session of the Carrion Crown campaign, and the group finds themselves embroiled in a werewolf murder mystery. Deep in the Shudderwood, the group is staying at Ascanor Lodge, and indications are that a werewolf is on the grounds, killing a new victim each night. Video is now posted on YouTube, and ready for review.…
Carrion Crown – Broken Moon
Although we ended up several players short due to scheduling conflicts, we managed to kick off Chapter 3 of the Carrion Crown, with the Broken Moon section. As the group discovered early on, this chapter’s focus is on werewolves, specifically located in the Shudderwood region. At the end of the last chapter, the group was…
Game Session Props
An idea I have been toying with for some time has been the option to raffle away some of the miscellaneous props and figures from our gaming sessions. We also have ideas for more, and there is only so much storage space, so rather than having them gather dust, perhaps someone else can benefit. The…
The Promethean
It appears that the final piece of Chapter 2 of the Carrion Crown will be wrapping up this weekend, as the group faces off against the Promethean. This chapter has been a bit heavier on the roleplay and investigation, so it is finally time for a full drag-out fight. Of course, it happens to be…