Category: Warhammer FRP

  • The Enemy Within ep 3.38

    One campaign that continues to be going strong is our Warhammer Fantasy/Rolemaster mashup, playing (loosely) the Enemy Within campaign. This storyline has been going on now for nearly 3 years (with a 1-year break in the middle) and is very popular with the players involved. Despite schedules, we are able to routinely get together and…

  • Wittgendorf Castle

    A major landmark for the final scene of the Enemy Within Chapter 2 adventure is the ancestral castle of the Wittgensteins, Castle Wittgendorf (located on the cliffs above Wittgenstein village). For the past several sessions, the group has been actively assaulting the fortress, first by sneaking in thru the old tunnels beneath and eventually emerging…

  • Schedule

    Small update to the gaming schedule this week, due to a few conflicts in the calendar. The Warhammer FRP game is cancelled, we will resume the following week, meaning our next session video won’t be out until 2/17. Might have an intermediate video in the meantime, to fill in the side-adventure of Erdim, after he…

  • New batch of videos

    Our latest batch of weekly videos posted this morning, including Star Wars Legion, Warhammer FRP, and the Carrion Crown Pathfinder campaign. As usual, Patreon supporters get early access by a couple of days or longer, based on our play schedule. Carrion Crown includes the latest efforts of the group, as they explore the Skum tunnels…

  • YouTube sub channels

    It’s been a project on my to-do list for several months, but as of the start of the year, I have begun splitting out my existing YouTube material into several smaller channels. This involves a lot of re-uploading and configuring of additional presences, but hopefully will allow for a bit more focus on each channel.…

  • Warhammer FRP – Assault of Black Peaks

    If you haven’t been keeping up with the Warhammer storyline, we resume the campaign tonight with a large-scale battle over the coalmines of Black Peaks. Originally, this was founded by a clan of dwarves, but in recent times it was sold to a wizard who wanted to move into the area. The locals consider it…

  • Warhammer Week

    With our current Enemy Within campaign, the group managed to get themselves in a tight spot and were forced to separate when fleeing from Altdorf. This has resulted in different groups, playing at different times, with a split adventure. It has been very entertaining – each group has managed to find their own problems –…

  • The Enemy Within

    Last night we managed to wrap up chapter 1 of the Enemy Within campaign, with our Warhammer Fantasy campaign. The session ended up a bit short, but thats more of the nature of the mid-week games that we are doing, rather than the content. The group managed to get themselves frames for a large number…