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Category: Star Wars Armada
RPG gaming schedule
No update this weekend for the Pathfinder game (we are about to start Chapter 3 of Rise of the Runelords), due to our efforts with the kitchen. Â The next scheduled game is set for March 26 at 2 PM, where I hope to potentially be able to stream the session, but will definitely be able…
Its the little things that give me happiness
When we play Armada, one difficulty we have faced is that the damage cards, which sit on the side of the table in a small stack, have a tendency to get knocked over and slide around. Â Especially since I have them sleeved in plastic, they are a bit slippery at times. To solve this, I…
Rebel Fleet Victory – Targeting Beacons
A solid game with some seriously good rolling.  Per our house rule, we randomly selected the mission from the entire set, and ended up with the Targeting Beacons mission.  The Empire opted for the 1st player role, giving the Rebellion to mission advantage.  Initial setup was fairly basic, with both sides lining up pretty much face…
Empire Fleet dispatched
In partnership with the Rebel Fleet, I prepared a similar fleet list for the Empire. Â Same parameters – make it easy (no upgrades), and make it relatively easy to split between two players for a 2v2 game. Â And limit the options to ship and squadron I currently have available. Â The end result is as follows:…
Rebel Fleet Spotted
In preparation for the upcoming training game of Star Wars: Armada, I spent a little time coming up with a very basic fleet list, suitable to a 2v2 game. Â The first half of this is the Rebel Fleet, able to be split fairly evenly between two players. Â Intentionally, this uses no upgrade cards, only the…
Star Wars: Armada, the New Players
As mentioned previously, I have been playing Star Wars: Armada with my son. Â Now, we are working to expand our little fleet group to several new players, Craig and Keith, and Carter and Andy. Â The plan is to play on Monday, during the President’s Day holiday, and be able to start earlier in the afternoon…
Star Wars: Armada
Over Christmas, I acquired the Star Wars Armada game, and have been playing quite a bit with my oldest son. Â So far, we are really enjoying the game, I have always been fond of capital ship scale war games. Â George settled on the Empire as his side of choice, the big ships are just very…