Category: Star Wars Legion

  • YouTube milestone

    Within the last couple of days, we have hit yet another milestone, and reached 600 subscribers on our Tabletop channel. For YouTube, this is a small audience, but for our little hobby project, this is massive. My thanks and appreciation to everyone who has subscribed, and especially to our regulars who comment and provide feedback.…

  • Star Wars: Legion Line of Sight

    This past weekend, one of our players attended a local tournament, and offered to spread the word of our channel and efforts. With appreciation, I engraved a set of order tokens for him, using our Logo for the back image, and the unit type for the front image. These worked well, and it had a…

  • Battle for the Golden Vader

    As mentioned earlier this week, the latest battle report (available HERE) is the start of our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. I crafted a small traveling trophy, which will be held by the victor in this and future tournaments, with a label recording the past victors. Yes, that is an official Darth Vader (Dark…

  • Recording Discipline

    I expect it is a common issue for gaming groups, but with our Legion games, we have become rather competitive. Adding this to the large group that we have, and more than a few passionate players, can lead to a rather heated session. Since we publish our games, it adds in the complexity of having…

  • Star Wars Legion 048

    Battle 48 is posting this Friday, kicking off our Battle for the Golden Vader tournament. Eight players in our group, competing in a double-elimination tournament, for the bragging rights and ownership of a traveling trophy. We are looking for viewer feedback specifically to help resolve ties. Instead of the usual mechanic of going to points,…