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Category: Ramblings
Mastodon removal
In a recent posting, I mentioned that my self-hosted Mastodon site was offline again, following yet another attempted (and failed) upgrade. This software has proven to be very challenging to keep stable and operational. Once it is running, it is great. But every time I have tried to update it due to patches or security…
Wargame content update
Regular followers may have noticed a significant drop off in the amount of wargaming content I have been posting, especially in the Legion arena. This is not due to a lack of interest – I have lots of models, terrain, and motivation. Unfortunately however, all these games require at least one other player, and availability…
Limits of our recording capability
A few days ago, I posted a challenge, to find out what ideas there was to revise and upgrade our live-gaming audio capabilities. Although I didn’t receive any feedback or suggestions, I dove into the challenge myself. My theory, a series of cheap microphones, connected via 3.5mm audio cables, and split out into multiple mono…
Revised webserver
Another week, another server migration. This time, I did an intentional migration of the webserver. Previously, my WordPress installation was running on a virtual machine on one of my main systems. This was working fine until my recent eCommerce site addon, establishing my Quartermaster. At that point, the extra database and processing load apparently was…
Old-school gaming
Been pondering some new gaming options around our RPG efforts and considering a switch back from the electronic virtual tabletops and laptops. Foundry VTT is excellent, and has served very well for many years now, and the laptop setup is solid and reliable. Each week, we have several games with Pathfinder and Warhammer FRP that…
Still here…
Its been a while since I updated and posted on this site, but I am still here. With the holidays, work schedules and various activities, I have admittedly let the website itself sit idle for too long. Part of this is the struggle for content, but at least a portion is also driven by laziness.…
Movie suggestions
With my recent attention to the Bolt Action wargame, I have rekindled some interest in the North Africa theatre of WWII. As a result, I have been looking for any movies or media that is worth watching in that setting. Admittedly, most of what I am finding is very old – most of the Hollywood…