Category: Ramblings
Gencon 2024
I have mentioned it in one arena or another, this weekend is the big Gencon 2024 convention, in Indianapolis, Indiana. I will be attending with both kids on Sunday, trying to do the marathon run thru the vendor hall for whatever is new, trendy, or inspiring. In particular, I am on the lookout for a…
ActivityPub update
My thanks to @kenSwinson for their help and troubleshooting with ActivityPub integration into WordPress (visit their website at Although I thought it was a simple matter of loading a plugin, it turned out to be a little bit more complex. Technical process really is that simple – just load the plugin and configure. However,…
ActivityPub testing
Trying to troubleshoot our new ActivityPub addon, which supposedly posts WordPress to Mastodon, and Mastodon replies back to WordPress. The first part is working fine, Mastodon is receiving the postings, but I can’t seem to puzzle out how to get the responses. Functionally, I think it is my own misunderstanding – I expect the software…