Category: Ramblings
Patreon updates
Making a change on my postings to Patreon, to take advantage of some new features. Specifically, I am going to start posting our video previews as Video links rather than Text articles. In the past, I would create the post, then provide a link to the unlisted YouTube video, with a screenshot from the video.…
YouTube Push
Over the last couple of years, our YouTube presence has steadily grown, and our various social media platforms have received some traction. As always, growth is good, and I am very much appreciative of all of our audience. However, over the last month or two, the slope has decreased, and we seem to have stalled…
Blog appearance
Still not happy with the overall appearance and layout of the theme of the site, so you will likely see a few changes happening over the next few weeks when I have time to research. If you have a suggestion for a theme, let me know. Thus far, everything feels either overly complex, far too…
Fixing Pretty Permalinks not working
Solved another problem with the new WordPress implementation – permalinks are now functional again. Everything I found only kept pointing me to reset the .htaccess file, which functionally was irrelevant (but likely viable in a different case. For my issue, the specific problem was that pretty permalinks was broken, but basic permalinks worked fine. The…
Site fixes
Discovered the site was having multiple issues post migration, including a failure of the SSL system and numerous graphics links being off. Those appear to be corrected now, I have fixed the SSL certificates, and with a bit of tinkering updated the various links and media files. Mastodon still is offline, I failed to recognize…