Category: Ramblings
Bullet journaling
A couple weeks ago, I purchased a couple of new notebooks, with the intent of managing a variety of activities. In particular, I wanted a way to track the various work related activities. I had previously experimented a bit with the process known as Bullet Journaling, but fundamentally, I couldn’t really get behind the method.…
Travel day
Not much of an update today, since I am travelling home from Toledo again, as part of my routine schedule. Most of the day is thus spent on travel and getting sorted out at home, so little time for much else. I am most of the way thru the latest Pathfinder video, and have the…
Editing the videos
Spending more time on the editing process, this time for the latest Pathfinder video, and struggling to find a rhythm. As I have previously posted, for each hour of content, it seems to take about 3 hours of editing in order to pare it down to about 10 minutes of final material. For a 5…
More fan art
Continue to get a stream of fan art from the players in the Rise of the Runelords campaign, of pretty decent quality given the age of the players. It is entertaining to me that I can not only recognize the creatures being drawn, but also how it relates to the particular section of the storyline…
Patreon Funding
So I think I finally have a handle on this podcast idea, and just need to now go thru and convert prior video content into audio-only podcasts. As part of that, I will need to record some intros and closing sections, since much of that is currently a static image in the videos. As part…