Pathfinder 2eR House Rules





These are alterations and clarifications in effect for our current campaigns of Pathfinder. I will update as needed. Unless stated otherwise, we use all other rules for Pathfinder as written in the various source books.


Currently we are using traditional encounter and challenge experience, in an effort to track the sandbox nature of the game. Each encounter, based on challenge, provides experience points to the group (regardless of success or failure), and they naturally advance in level at appropriate points.

Typically, however, we use a milestone-based advancement system, meaning the group advances automatically based on any key story points in the campaign. For most campaigns, this is called out by sub-chapters in the source material. This allows the group to wander for as long as they wish, but also keep in scale with the expected challenges awaiting them – all without the bookkeeping of experience.

For the Kingmaker campaign in particular, the sandbox nature of the storyline leans more into traditional experience points, so that the group does not feel pressure to focus only on story objectives. They instead are encouraged to “do everything”, such that they can learn. Based on the success or failure of this, and our appetite for the tracking of experience, we may end up abandoning this option. For now, however, it is working.

Spells and Magic

Very few spells need clarification or adjustment, but there is the occasional exception:

  • Electric Arc – the basic description is a bit vague – “one or two targets”. We had defined this spell as specifically two targets, both within range. This avoids any potential for confusion, but does add some damage potential, while also limiting it in smaller combat scenarios.

Equipment and Gear

Almost all standard gear and weapons are used without adjustment, but when changed, we will note them below:

  • Rations – base Pathfinder defines 1 day of rations as 0.1 bulk – ie, practically a non-issue for encumbrance. This makes much of the Kingmaker campaign’s early chapters trivial, since food is only limited by funds, and diminishes the survival aspects. Plus, it is unrealistic for that small amount of food to feed a grown person for a day. As such, we have altered all rations to 1 bulk per day. With the presence of horses, mounts, and bags of holding, this will be trivial eventually, but does encourage Survival aspects and challenges to find food in the wilderness.