• I was distracted last night, and forgot to post my regular note, so here is a make up one 🙂  While I am travelling this week, I have been pushing the 3d Printer to run non-stop again, continuing to produce the True-Tiles (thanks to my wife for removing parts and cleaning the tray as they […]

  • Going to be working on getting caught up somewhat on my gaming videos and rpg sessions, but as a short summary of the last Pathfinder session, we managed to pretty much wrap up the climax of chapter 4.  For many weeks, the group has been tracking down Mokmurian, the leader of the giants who have […]

  • With a painted and otherwise complete set of True-Tiles in hand, we had our next session of Pathfinder on Sunday, reaching the climax of Chapter 4 of the Rise of the Runelords.  Unfortunately, I discovered I had not actually printed a large enough set, I still had several more to do before having enough to […]

  • Running a bit late today, thanks to an overly busy schedule with work.  Falling behind with the video sessions for the gaming, thanks to my distractions with 3d printing, but managing to successfully print a lot of material.  In particular, I should have enough True-Tiles for the upcoming Pathfinder session on Sunday, which should go […]

  • In preparation for the second wave of my True-Tiles printing, I have been batch printing a lot of bases, while I wait for the little round magnets to arrive today.  I believe I will need more square bases to fully re-finish the prior tiles, but I will be doing those once I have fully tested […]

  • I continue to produce the True-Tiles terrain, and although I have changed directions on the base pieces, the top pieces are just fine.  However, after my first batch, I realized that using Army Painter paints for the painting of this amount was not very cost effective – I nearly emptied my Dark Wash bottle, and […]

  • I doubt I had anyone actually bother to watch my 3d printer in action, and if you had, then you likely found that the performance was certainly lacking.  As an alternative, I have now instead configured it to run through my YouTube Live channel, with a streaming option instead.  This provides far better quality, which […]

  • With the acquisition of the 3d Printer, my son’s big ask was for a prop for use during our gaming sessions.  Since he is currently playing a Necromancer in our Pathfinder campaign, he of course wanted a skull to show off.  And since I am always up for a challenge, we opted for not just […]

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