• Finished printing a first batch of True-Tiles from the demo set, and my project this week is to paint and drybrush them this week, so they are ready for our next Pathfinder game.ย  Set includes 5 corners, 5 single-wall sections, 4 field tiles, and 10 doors, which gives a decent start.ย  From here, I need […]

  • I haven’t played any games in a while, but I continue to collect and try to play Star Wars Armada.ย  When we last played, one of the maneuver sticks used for the game was a bit damaged – one of the gear “clicks” became a bit soft, making it hard to lock it into place.ย  […]

  • First test batch of my intended choice for 3d terrain, for use with our gaming, just using the free sample files for now.ย  In this case, I have selected True-Tiles, I have liked the philosophy and design of the original foam-core pieces, and like that they have translated over to 3d printing easily.ย  I have […]

  • This last Sunday, we finally managed to make a start into our GURPs game, without having to spend most of the session finishing, altering, or creating characters.ย  My intent is not to record these game sessions, I fundamentally already have too much footage to get thru with Pathfinder and the old Hero System game, but […]

  • The 3d printer has been running nearly non-stop since I received it, and thus far, I have been very happy with the results.ย  The sample filament didn’t last very long, but my first major project is to create an “upgrade” to the machine itself, which adds adjustable feet to help with leveling and a strong […]

  • 3d Printer arrived, assembled, tested.ย  A little bit of adjustments (the z-axis wasn’t aligned properly), and another print.ย  And after several hours of watching the machine run, I have my first completed and solid model.ย  Was a bit of a surprise that it turned out the be an elephant (the sample models were unlabeled), but […]

  • It has been many months, but I have finally managed to publish another of our gaming sessions.ย  Assuming YouTube scheduler works, the video should be live by the time this post is published, and the Podcast version should be online as well.ย  It has been many months since I finished a session, and this one […]

  • I have decided it is about time that I dive into the 3d printing arena, and finally pick a printer up.ย  Since Christmas, I have been hording my amazon gift certificates, originally with the plan of purchasing a widescreen high-end computer monitor, for about $600.ย  However, that goal is rather far away, and the money […]

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