• We continue to progress on the Rise of the Runelords campaign, though I am many sessions behind on the videos and podcasts.ย  The biggest challenge at this though seems to be the slow crawl of progression – between a complex high-level game (the characters are level 11 now), and a very large group of 10 […]

  • Skipping my bi-weekly routine of painting zombies, quite simply because I have been unable to properly prime a new set of walkers.ย  The weather has been very cold, but more importantly either wet or snowy, or both, and I have no inside spot to use spray paint.ย  As such, I have to a wait for […]

  • Running a bit late today, so posting late.ย  Been distracted, running into issues with my long-term go-to for remote management, Teamviewer.ย  While trying to update various computers around the house, I started encountering a 5-minute time limit, apparently due to concerns I might be using the software for business purposes.ย  Although I do not use […]

  • The second half of the latest Star Wars Armada release wave is the Imperial Chimaera, which adds variants to the existing Imperial-Class Star Destroyers.ย  This pack was rather large, including not only the Chimaera model itself, but also two Mandalorian Guantlet fighter squadrons, along with all the cards and upgrades for both.ย  Interestingly, it also […]

  • Finally had a chance to start our long-awaited GURPs campaign, though we unfortunately did not get as far as hoped.ย  After our prior session, there was some desire to modify characters, and we added 2 additional players who had to start from the beginning.ย  As a result, we did not actually begin the real story […]

  • Continuing to expand my Star Wars Armada collection, although admittedly I have not played in a while.ย  The most recent release wave brings the Rebel capital ship, Profundity, a large ship which seems more than capable of going toe to toe with the Imperial Star Destroyers.ย  I am not very familiar with the ship design […]

  • This weekend we should finally be able to start our long-awaited GURPs Warhammer campaign, assuming we don’t spend most of the time tweaking and modifying characters.ย  Our player group is expanding a little bit up to the limit of 6 players, thanks to some extended family of the players.ย  Apparently they were talking about the […]

  • So I finished the latest set of zombie runners last night, as I continue to work my way thru the Zombicide: Black Plague set.ย  Which is good, since over Christmas, I added the Wulfsburg expansion, so I have many Zombie dogs nipping at my heels to be painted as well. From here, the next big […]

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