• Working on more painting for the Zombicide: Black Plague set, this time with another set of 7 zombie runners.ย  My snapshots are admittedly rather terrible, I am not sure if it was the camera or the photographer (likely the later), but hopefully you get the basic idea.ย  I started with a primer coat of zombie […]

  • A few days ago, I added a new module to the website, which provides for Google Auto-Captcha connections.ย  If you are not familiar with Captcha, it is the small graphic picture or puzzle you have to answer when you connect to some sites.ย  In this case, the routine makes an attempt to decide if a […]

  • We have our next session of Pathfinder scheduled for this Sunday, as the group continues their exploration and assault on the Stone Giant city.ย  In the last session, they did battle with a pair of lamia matriarchs, who had charmed and dominated a pair of red dragons.ย  Although they initially managed to convince the dragons […]

  • I don’t remember this event, I was only 3 in 1976, but this is an old family picture gathering most of the extended family.ย  My dad I assume is the photographer, with (from the left), my Mom’s parents Ethel and Truman (with me in the middle), my mom, my uncle Roelof with my brother, and […]

  • Received a large collection of old photos, rescued from when my grandmother passed away.ย  Most of these are relatively ancient family photos, some of which I was involved in, and some of which I was not.ย  But all bring back a lot of memories.ย  Will be posting most of them over the following weeks and […]

  • Skipping the travel this week, and staying home, thanks to the red tape involved in travel arrangements through work.ย  Admittedly this works well, it gives me a chance to get to my older son’s Boy Scouts Court of Honor this week, and we have preparations to wrap up for the Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby this […]

  • As previously mentioned, we changed our calendar in favor of a Boy Scout snow park trip, instead of the usually scheduled GURPs Warhammer game.ย  Although not everyone ended being able to attend, those that did had a fun time.ย  Weather was overcast and threatening rain, but it never arrived, and the day stayed a comfortable […]

  • Back when I started this site, and mainly when I started editing and posting videos (and then podcasts), I had never really expected this hobby to turn a profit or really make much money at all.ย  And over the years, my total earnings have come up to approximately $1 – not even enough for a […]

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