• It has been some time since I worked on any of the videos and podcasts of our gaming sessions, so I decided to jump back in.ย  Unfortunately, I have built up quite a backlog of material in various formats, so it is a rather intimidating hill to climb.ย  In order to eliminate what I hope […]

  • As an update to the GURPs Warhammer campaign – I am posting a copy of the custom character sheet I created for the game.ย  In truth, any GURPs character sheet or tool will work, but this one filters the skills, advantages, and disadvantages down to the list used for the group.ย  Consider it a rough […]

  • Its been a very long time, but I have decided on yet another shift in traditional tools – dropping Chrome in favor of Mozilla/Firefox.ย  I recall way back in my college days, Firefox was the upstart browser compared to Internet Explorer (along with Opera), but never clicked with me.ย  After college, I used Internet Explorer […]

  • Its the end of a long week, and we have a big snow storm supposedly coming in this evening.ย  Initially, the prediction was for 8+ inches of snow on top of a layer of ice – that has since been reduced to only a few inches.ย  Of course that doesn’t stop the locals from panic, […]

  • Heading home again today from Toledo, following yet another work trip.ย  Always nice to get home, though admittedly there are times when it is good to be able to focus on work.ย  In this case, it will be nice to get home before the “big” snow storm supposedly comes thru and hits, the current prediction […]

  • As commented yesterday, I have been undergoing another shift in my home server and the capabilities, to try to improve the overall performance and reliability.ย  As part of this, I ended up trying to rebuild the Nextcloud personal cloud server, so that it would be more efficient.ย  Previously, it was sharing a 300 GB VM […]

  • Spending some more time, re-juggling my website configuration and features, this time to move back to a hosted service.ย  I have found that recent activity on my home server has fundamentally overwhelmed my little WordPress server, so I have had frequent registered outages.ย  Of course, traffic is almost non-existent, so outages are not a big […]

  • Held our first GURPs Warhammer session yesterday, focusing on character generation and teaching the new players how to operate in the GURPs mechanics.ย  Overall, I consider it a success – the Warhammer setting converts readily to the GURPs system without much difficulty and the players seemed happy with their options.ย  There was a bit of […]

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