• Despite great plans to the contrary, I ended up not being as productive over the holidays as I had intended.ย  Initially, I had lots of plans for getting caught up on videos and podcasts, painting miniatures, gaming, and various other activities.ย  I actually ended up barely touching the video content, only painting a fraction of […]

  • For many years, many more than I can recall, I have always had AT&T for my internet service provider.ย  They have been a mostly reliable provider, with solid service, decent prices, and the top speeds in my area.ย  However, they have slipped a bit recently in the speed category and pricing.ย  Since I work from […]

  • Holidays are wrapping up, and it is back to work next week.ย  Scheduling wise, I am preparing to start the GURPs Warhammer campaign next week, character guidelines and details are finished, and just need confirmation from a couple of the players.ย  Pathfinder is back in session the week after, as the group continues their assault […]

  • Had some time over the last week to finally do some more painting, and managed to get half of the zombie runners painted up.ย  Fortunately, they were all very basic, only a few colors, and all identical, so it didn’t take that much time to complete.ย  I continue to struggle a bit without glasses, which […]

  • It’s my birthday today, and enjoying some time with family. Continuing our new tradition of seeing Star Wars in the theatre, and then likely dinner and pie or something similar.

  • It’s a week of solutions as I also seem to have found a fix for the 4K Roku and TV issues. We had upgraded the main TV to a 4K HDR model, using a Roku Streaming Stick +, capable of 4K HDR. However, after numerous attempts, 4K content continued to give a HDCP error, indicating […]

  • Similar to my Nextcloud difficulties, I have also been having difficulties with our custom private Ark servers since the release of Aberration. The original servers with The Island and Scorched Earth are still working fine, but I wanted to add an Aberration server as well.

  • Seems that each time I post tech problems I manage to fix them shortly after, which has held true for the Nextcloud server. Shortly after I posted yesterday, I had a breakthrough and the service is now running again, and successfully with ssl encryption, from the same server as my wordpress site. A quick update […]

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