• Continuing to be challenged by Nextcloud.ย  Over the weekend, I ended up running an ill-advised system update, which I believed updated PHP on the Nextcloud server, which in turn broke Nextcloud.ย  Not that critical, but painful to rebuild, so my secondary option is to move it to my WordPress server, since they share similar function. […]

  • Going to be enjoying the holidays over the next couple of weeks with the family, so likely my posting updates will be a bit more random. Have been reviewing the past several weeks worth of content, and although I have been getting lots of comments, none of them thus far have been of any value.ย  […]

  • So I got distracted this week, and with a shorter than normal travel schedule, I ended up not working on the planned zombie horde.ย  Instead, I have been spending many hours working on an automated GURPs character sheet, in preparation for my January GURPs Warhammer campaign.ย  Will try to work on the zombies next week, […]

  • Been pondering my options for a new campaign for the new year, something to replace our existing Hero System Champions campaign (which has faltered and stalled out with the holidays), and have come up with an interest in a Warhammer Fantasy world setting.ย  However, the current version of Warhammer Fantasy is rather out of date […]

  • With my travel this week, I have the next set of Zombicide zombies to paint ready to go.ย  This time, I am starting with a zombie-green base coat, which may make the process a little faster.ย  The challenge however is that the set is 14 identical zombies.ย  Although they will have some variety, I am […]

  • With the holidays, my regularly scheduled games have been a bit up in the air.ย  The Pathfinder – Rise of the Runelords campaign is still going, but has been cancelled once or twice due to conflicts.ย  However, we have a bonus game this weekend, and a regular one next weekend, so should be able to […]

  • Thanks to some lucky bitcoin investments, I decided it was time to finally upgrade to a 4k TV within the last few weeks.ย  And since I try to do all my shopping online, I opted to take the risk, and try a online order for a wide screen TV – understanding the risks associated with […]

  • After writing my prior post, I of course kept digging, and surprisingly quickly managed to find a solution.ย  Turns out my issue was not with DNS, but rather with needing a Rewrite directive in my Apache configuration.

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